Saturday, April 20, 2013

Update Time

No worries, I still exist. I've just been focusing most of my energies on my new blog, This one is all about our fertility woes and adventures.  As to our none fertility lives, we moved back to Utah in March and are staying at my Mom's while we look for a new place and to help save money while we pay for the fertility treatments. Felipe got a new job in Lehi and while it's a bit overwhelming for him to learn the ropes, he really enjoys it and we plan on being here for a while.  His first trip is already scheduled to Florida in June, with a trip to Ecuador to follow. So here's to life!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


I really like this song and today in Primary the kids started learning it to sing in church on Easter Sunday; they're even learning some sign language to go along with.  That usually fails miserably (at least with Jr. Primary), but it's still super cute.  We're sad we won't be here to see it. We told our class today that next week is our last week teaching them, and out of the three kids who registered it, only one was marginally sad.  But what can you expect from 4 and 5 year olds?  Enjoy the video!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas is always great, and this year we had our stockings and presents right by our bed.  It was so fun!  I took some pictures so I can remember this year.  Felipe and I put our stockings together Christmas Eve before we went to bed (and we got the stuff together, so there were no surprises in the stockings) and Christmas morning Felipe woke me up asking if we should dump out our stockings...the ones we had put together just a few hours previously....but we did :)  Mostly we just got candy for each other for Christmas, since we probably don't even have our own apartment.  But it was still great!

Felipe got this great scarf from Keith and Dixie. 

Sewed Baby Blanket #1

Since Katelyn has made her pregnancy known to the Facebook world,  I can put up the baby blanket I made for her Rumpelstiltskin baby. My heart of hearts told me she is going to have a girl so I made a girl one, but I'm going to make a boy one too, just in case my heart of hearts has been misinformed. Now I am hoping she has a boy so I can keep this cute blanket :) I basically just copied the picture of a blanket a former co-worker made for her friend's baby, so I didn't have any measurements to go off of.  I just made an arbitrary decision to have the squares be 15 inches and went from there.

I stuck a little bit of fluff in between each square...

...and then pinned the sides.

After the square was sewn I sewed an X down the middle, which was actually trickier than I thought it would be  with the minky material. 

After enough squares for a row were sewn, then I sewed the squares together to make a row,.

I left a little bit of the edges so I could rag the blanket afterwards.

Finally it was put all together and I was able to rag it. Probably this is not the best picture, but believe me, it's pretty cool.  Hopefully Baby Bo Peep loves it!