Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What do you say we leave for California, drive all night, we can make it by the morning...

Ok this is my first post in a verrrrry long time and tons of things have happened in my life and I don't really faithfully keep a journal anymore, so I figured I should document at least SOME things in my life these days. So I'm gonna write about me and Felipe's trip to Cali the weekend before school started.

Felipe's from Santiago and is an international student at BYU so the main reason of our trip was to renew his passport at the Chilean Consulate in LA. We were going to go with friends but everyone backed out so it ended up being just the two of us, but was still a ton of fun! We left Thursday night, drove all night, got to LA around 4 in the morning, and waited for the consulate to open. We spent some time in a Starbucks, just chilling, while we waited. Oh Felipe drove the whole way down, living off of 5 hour energy drinks, which he swears by. Ha.

We drove around LA for a while, just looking at the sights, and also stopped by my uncle Warren's office to pick up a suitcase to bring back to Provo. But we spent at least half an hour looking for some crazy cathedral that we never did find....

After the consulate we drove down Santa Monica blvd to the Santa Monica Pier and walked around, just loving being there and seeing the ocean.

I was really sick with mono and strep and kinda hated life the whole trip, but still really had a
lot of fun. We keep saying we need to go back when I'm not sick.

We borrowed Clarke and Carolina's (Felly's sis and bro-in-law) cooler (which we have yet to return...oops) for the trip and our food all got completely water logged from the melted ice...oops you live and learn I guess. But we saved money by bringing most of our food and still used the disgusting cheese in the sandwiches. Haha

Anyways Friday we played on the beach and took the freeway up the coast to
Ventura, where
we stayed the night with my friend Jess. Driving the coast was SO PRETTY! We loved it and we just stopped at random beaches on the way to play. We were both exhausted, especially Felly from driving all night, and eventually just wanted to get to Ventura and shower and crash. And the poor guy had to put up with my bad mood from being sick (he's really good at putting up with my bad moods).

Friday night Jess took us to this restaurant in LA (we moaned when we learned we'd have to drive all the way back to LA), but it was really good. We got there around
midnight and the place was crowded. It's called Roscoe's chicken and waffles. Haha I love Jess and his restaurants.

We slept and lounged most of Saturday, then packed up and left for Santa Barbara around 5 pm. This part was maybe one of the best parts of the trip!! We drove to my old house in Goleta and took some pictures...the "new" tenants took out the huge tr
ee that was out front. Sad day. We also stopped by my old church, my old elementary school, the Santa Barbara mission, and Stern's warf and enjoyed ice cream cones, which was so fun
. All in all it was a great trip and I loved it all (except being sick, that sucked). We left LA around midnight that night, stopped to sleep a few times, and got back to Provo with time to shower before Felly's 4 pm sacrament meeting. :)