Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sweat Boy

There is this boy. At work. I had a crush on him for about a year before I even talked to him. His name is Sean but I have the hardest time remembering his name and always think that it's Andrew. Anyways, my roommates and I always refer to him as sweat boy, not because he's gross and sweaty, but because I used to have this insane reaction to this completely unfounded attraction and would start sweating whenever I saw him. Ridiculous, I know. That lasted a couple weeks and then I was just tired of it and got over it. Girls are so silly.

On a side note, I have this great nail polish (thank you mom and tim) that is glittery and silver, but turns pink when I'm in the sun. This is my favorite thing!! I love to keep one hand in my pocket when walking so I can compare the two colors when I'm back indoors--the pink on one hand and the silvery glitter on the other. Anyways, I was walking home with a friend the other day and I showed him my nails and told him how excited I was whenever they turned pink. He said it was the girliest thing he had ever heard of. Right. I didn't think I was that girly....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carrier Pigeon?

My roommate Stacie is dating her ex-boyfriend again. It's not that uncommon around here. But we all love him and they're happy and it's great and everyone's fine. But this guy she's dating, Seth, has an old roommate, Travis. I went downstairs into the kitchen about a week ago to find Seth and Stacie conspiring in whispers, and looking pleased when they saw me descending the steps. Would I like to be set up with someone? Um....I guess...sure. Great! You and Travis will have so much fun.

I have a lot of fun interacting with Seth and Stacie. We all have the same kind of humor: dry, witty, clever, and yes, very sarcastic. After talking a little bit I realized why Seth and Stacie were so pleased for this set up--Travis doesn't understand sarcasm. Oh dear. S&S kept saying how Travis did not deserve me and how excited they are for us and how they're going to love watching us interact (we're gonna double).

So last night Seth called Travis and asked Travis if he was ready to feel extremely awkward, then handed me the phone. I accepted the phone while glaring Seth down. Hello? Hi. (Travis sounds like my home teacher Jaron.) Travis says "Seth said you wanted carrier pigeons, sorry I couldn't do that..." Yeah, Seth asked me how I wanted Travis to ask me out, and I responded carrier pigeons. Thanks Seth. "oh yeah that's fine, smoke signals will work great." "what will work?" "um...smoke signals...don't worry about it". Poor Travis. I'll have to tone myself down a bit for him on Friday, I think. So we had an awkward conversation, our momentarily dislike towards Seth being the only uniting factor. S&S like to repeat that Travis is very philosophical. Stacie suggests I jump right in asking him about evolution and the gospel. I anticipate having a lot of fun with this....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Social Psychology

Rocky is in my social psychology class. THE Rocky. Legend of the 80's Rocky. He plays for BYU football and his neck is thicker than my thigh. He struggles with putting four words together. He giggles, a low, reverberating giggle, but a giggle nonetheless. I love watching him in class and just like his interactions with other people, like when he came into class with sunflower seeds and offered them to those sitting around him, spittle and shell stuck to his face. Or the time our professor asked him if he had a girlfriend and he sheepishly answered no. I love listening to him talk. It's fascinating. My favorite moment was when I walked past his desk and noticed that he writes his notes in cursive. Rocky writes in cursive.

My professor in that class is very quirky, but not as fascinating. He may be as off as "Rocky", but he gets on my nerves while Rocky is entertainment. My professor is in his mid-sixties and loves to commit social blunders to get rises out of people. For example, we took a test in class a couple weeks ago (in class because he forgot to schedule it in the testing center) and he sat at his podium in the corner, legs crossed, shoes off, sporting his rainbow colored toe socks. Or when he confides in us that he wears sneakers to church. Or when he delights in embarrassing students (specifically enjoys commenting when he notices students flirting in class). I have learned from him that if I don't study well for my tests, I will be left "whimpering in my beer".

This is my class. I usually skip it about once a week. It's my only class on Mondays and Fridays, so it makes for an easy three day weekend. To make it easier, the lectures don't tell me anything the reading doesn't, and one of the books he assigned for the class is really enjoyable to read. Could it get any better?