Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 Reasons Why I Love Felipe

First off, I just want to say that I started compiling music for the reception and I couldn't stop smiling. Every so often it hits me in a flash that this is real. We are getting married. I am getting married! I feel like this is some cosmic joke because I am just a child. No one in their right mind would let two children marry. But for the two reasons:

Last night Felipe checked a laptop out for me from campus so I wouldn't have to go home and get mine to do homework at his apartment. You can renew the laptops every three hours and even though I was watching the renewal page the link to renew wouldn't work for me and the laptop was overdue. Not even a big deal at all. It's $1 an hour for every hour, but it closes at 11 and my computer expired at 10 so I was only over $1 on Felipe's account. I was so upset because I had been trying to renew the computer but the site wasn't letting me and for whatever reason I just started crying. I felt so dumb! I don't know why I reacted so strongly, but I did. And I love Felipe because even though we both felt I was being dumb he just hugged me. He comforts me whenever I'm upset, whether it's a legitimate reason or not. He'll always hug me and just hold me until I feel better, wipe my tears, and talk to me to calm me down. He never tells me to just suck it up or stop being dumb. And I know it's a little thing, but I know I can cry in front of him and feel safe. And I love that about him.

And now for the second reason: Last Saturday I had a phone interview with Teach for America and I was semi nervous. Felipe and I were talking before-hand and I was saying how I was praying to get this job, but recognized that the Lord knows what is best and what is in store for us and maybe this is not the best thing for us right now. So I was reassuring myself that even if I didn't get the job, it doesn't mean that I bombed the interview. He agreed with the logic but said that I must have meant "bum". I didn't "bum" the interview. What? No the phrase is to "bomb" something, like to suck it. People say they bombed a test when they did really bad, but Felipe insisted that people are saying they "bummed" their test, like butt bum. That's why people say "bummer", not "bomber". I love that all the time he's been here he thought people were saying that they bummed their test. I love Felipe for the reason that English is his third language and for all the funny things he says sometimes!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So the Provo library has rooms to rent for whatever you want. I love the building and think having a reception there is a great idea. Felipe and I went there last night to check it out and unfortunately it might not work out. They have the big ballroom to rent, but it's $800 for all day. We looked at the little room, which is $90 for three hours. The price is great, the hours is great, they set up and take down the chairs and tables, there's ample parking, and you get to use the kitchen, but the room is SUPER small. We don't have a ton of people on our invite list, and granted not everyone will come and those who do won't all show up at the same time, but still. It's almost claustrophobic. So stay tuned. Maybe they'll let us rent the ballroom for just a couple hours and pay a smaller price. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ok I'm going to address these one at a time. Felipe and I are going to sit down and plan out what we want done by when, setting due dates for ourselves, so we have an idea of what we need to do and aren't rushing last minute to get everything done. First off, colors. Felipe initially fought for black and neon pink, which, I'll admit, is kind of cool, but I wouldn't let that happen. Some time in September or maybe early October I was thinking of what good "March" colors would be and decided I really liked orange. At first I thought orange and blue, but then changed it to orange and cream, with blue accents. And, Felipe didn't take much convincing, which means it was a good choice haha. I tried to find pictures online to show which shades I like, but the closest I could get was this bedspread... So just try to visualize it yourself :) And try to imagine little blue accents.

To-do List

Invitations/Thank yous
Temple reservation
Temple recommend interview
Buy garments/temple clothes
Luncheon location
Marriage License
Doctor stuff :(
Bridal Shower(s)
Find a home
Honeymoon (Felipe)

Special thanks to Violet for compiling this list and to Katelyn for playing pufferfish the whole time

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How I knew

Last Tuesday night Felipe and I were just sitting in the car, talking and catching up on each other's days. We started talking and somehow marriage came up (not so rare these days) and we started swapping stories of when we realized/decided we wanted to marry the other person. He had been praying about it off and on for a while now, but last August/September when he was praying about it he realized that getting married would be a good thing. It just made sense to him. It seemed like the best decision to be making. Felipe is very logical and analytical. When the Spirit speaks to him it appeals to logic and reason. I, however, am a bit more emotional... But I told him when I realized I could marry him, which I hadn't told him before. Not because it was a big secret or anything, it was just so long ago and never really came up.

But last year I was seriously considering doing an internship with the department of defense. I would have been sent to a military base in Europe, travel and housing paid for, and given a monthly stipend. I learned about this program even before we started dating and had been in the process of applying when we met. After we started dating the idea went on the back burner for a while, but eventually I remembered it and became interested again. I wasn't sure if things were going anywhere with Felipe so I started seriously considering the program. I applied and started praying about the decision. Eventually I had an interview with them and was called back for a second and was starting to get a little stressed out with deciding if I should leave on this program the next semester or stay with Felipe and see what happened. If I wasn't dating him I would have most likely gone.

November 6, 2009 (I remember the date because it was the night of his friend, Tavi's, birthday party and I was super nervous to go play soccer with everybody) I knelt down to pray about going on this internship, seeing if it was the right thing for me to pursue just then, and as soon as I started praying my mind went completely blank. I couldn't remember my reason for kneeling down at all and started feeling silly, just kneeling there with nothing to say to God. After a minute or two I still couldn't think what I had wanted to say, but then Felipe came into my mind, and I started thinking if I could marry him. I know this sounds really cheesy, but it's what happened. I decided to start praying about him, and it just felt right. I could see myself marrying him and it felt like a great idea. I couldn't remember my original reason for praying until after I had ended my prayer. It reminded me of the scripture where we're told if it's not right He will cause a stupor of thought. Anyways, that was exactly a year ago and it took months and months of getting Felipe on board with the idea, but I wouldn't marry him if I wasn't certain he had received his own form of confirmation too.


So I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was going around looking for wedding dresses. I FINALLY found two that I liked and wanted to try them on, but they were on Barbies and there was no way I could try those suckers on. I woke up unsuccessful, with no wedding dresses. I wonder what that dream could possibly